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In September 2010 we heard the news that every expectant parent dreads to hear- that our 22 week old baby was afflicted with an illness (called Potter's Syndrome) that would cause him not to survive outside of the womb. To say we were devastated would be a gross understatement. We were heartbroken. In shock really. We had already been blessed with two beautiful healthy babies and this was definitely not expected. About a week after we confirmed that the baby would not survive, the doctors induced me at 23 weeks to deliver the baby. He was born on September 29, 2010 at around 4:00pm. We named him Cordell after my grandpa. His delivery was very painful and i was in labor for about 27 hours. Shortly after I began the labor process, unbeknownst to me or anyone else, I began to hemorrhage internally, thus the intense pain. The epidural barley took the edge off of it. The morning after the birth of my angel boy, I developed two massive blood clots in my lungs. I was life-flighted to the Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, UT. After the doctors began exploratory surgery to find the bleed- I coded on the table in the operating room. I later learned that the doctors performed chest compressions for 90 minutes yes 90 minutes. Dr. Jones performed a double pulmonary embolectomy removing a 5 and 7 cm clots from my right and left lungs. I was placed on life support, a feeding tube and the "pump",  Through the prayers of hundreds of friends and family and the miraculous work of some amazing (IMC) doctors- my life was spared. Miraculously, I walked out of the hospital three weeks later.

I left out, perhaps the most devastating part of this entire process. Shortly after performing the double  pulmonary embolectomy the doctors told my family, that in order to save my life, that they had to perform an emergency hysterectomy.  After leaving the hospital and beginning the road to recovery, I don't think the reality of going through a hysterectomy really set in for quite some time. When it finally hit me, I was left feeling that my dreams of becoming a mother again were shattered.

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