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Sunday, August 17, 2014

One Year Later

Dear baby Zoey

One year ago today a miracle happened that changed our lives forever..... you were born.

Kimberly, (one of my amazing  sisters) who you are named after gave birth to you. She selflessly sacrificed her body and so much more to carry you. She is amazing. I hope you remember this and always have gratitude in your heart for all that she has done for you.

You were born at the University of Utah hospital at 6:33 am on August 3rd. You came so fast that mommy and daddy missed your birth. When you were born you were purple and not breathing. Grandpa was there and he had the privilege of cutting your cord. Then the doctors passed you through a window that whisked you to the NICU.

Zoey, you decided that you were done with heaven and wanted your turn on earth. You were so inpatient that in heaven you pushed all your cousins out of the way and came first, which was three months early. You lil sneak.
You weighed two pounds and fifteen ounces. When mommy and daddy first saw you you were in an incubator hooked up to every machine possible to keep you alive. Mommy started to cry but fell madly in love the moment she saw you. You were and are a beautiful perfect little miracle.
 Pretty soon we had bishop Jenson and your daddy give you a blessing that you would live and be ok but that we would accept gods will.
Over the next two months (63 days) mommy came and saw you everyday.
You ran a pretty good course. You didn't get any infection, no eye problems and no hearing problems. Which is really good for coming at 29 weeks. Your most difficult thing you had to overcome was to take a bottle. It would take you one hour to take an ounce of milk. So you could have probably come home sooner but you would not take a bottle.

You came home on Saturday October 5. Which worked out perfect because you were daddy's birthday present that year (October 6th).

Over the next six months was a challenging time. You were so tiny and never wanted to sleep. Also, it was RSV session. Every month you received your RSV shot to help protect you from getting sick. Btw this shot was 3,000$ each month. Also, u had to be on neo sure formula which was way expensive. These things and so much more is why I call you the "million dollar baby".

The drs said that you had little to no immune system. Because of this we didn't leave the house for six months. Yes mommy went a little crazy. You were a hard baby probably because you were a premie. So needles to say we didn't get a lot of sleep. But you were well worth everything.

Today is August 3 2014. It's your birthday. Yay yay yay!!!!! You weigh 17 pounds and  have tons of brown curly hair (which mommy loves to due and put in bows). You say dadada, mamama, bababa, and more jibber jabber. You are now on whole milk,;(Yay!!!) and can eat solid foods even though you don't like the food and you choke on it. You sleep pretty good now. You go down at 7 or 8 and usually wake up at 6 or 7am.

You love Elyse and Jace and they love you. I've never seen two siblings love their sister more than they do. They watch cartoons with u, play with u, dress u up, and even when their friends come over they always include you.

You roll over and over and you can sit up by yourself but you can't crawl or walk yet. But that's ok because that means you get to be my baby for Little bit longer.

Daddy loves to read to you and play with you and dress you up in u of u clothing (grrr). You say dadda all the time so that makes daddy very very happy. Ps -could you  work on saying mamma more because you love me the most :)

Mommy absolutely adores you. She is a lil Crazy and can't cut the cord. Meaning she never leaves you.  So u are with mommy all the time. Everywhere I go you come to. You scream whenever you can't see mommy. I don't know how you got like that. Lol. Yikes oops

Mommy loves to take showers with you, dress u up, do ur hair, read to u, watch veggie tales with you and especially take naps and cuddle with u. You are my sunshine after a good 5 year tornado. The love I have for you is beyond words (I could go on and on) I'm so grateful for you and the happiness you have brought to our family.

We love you Zoey
Angel brothers
And Halle.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Testimony 8-3-14

My heart is full of gratitude and humility. One year ago today a miracle happened that changed our lives forever. , her name actually meaning "life", was born. Just getting her here was a miracle. Which is a story to long to explain. But she was 29 weeks gestation (three months early) and weighing in at a whopping 2+ pounds. When i was able to see her for the first time she was in an incubator hooked up to every machine possible to keep her alive. My heart sank. i now could understand how my family must have felt when they saw me for the first time (when i died) hooked up, like zoey to every machine possible trying to bring me back.  Zoey was so sick and so tiny. I remember My wedding ring could fit up her arm. 

 Just to take you back a bit zoey was coming at 26 weeks which is considered micro premee. The head of the nicu nurses came in and talked to us about what the chances were if Zoey Would be born now. She began to say the survival rate was 50-60% and 70-80% of her being deaf blind dumb or mentally challenged. I'm pretty sure the color was already gone from my face but now it was covered in tears. I needed my Heavenly Father and saviors help. Within a half an hour our bishop and members from the ward were at the hospital giving us blessings. Before they got there I just kept thinking and pleading to heavenly father over and over again in my mind that I can't loose another one. I can't do another casket. I can't do another funeral. I can't. I will loose it. 
However, when hands of the melchezidik priesthood were placed upon my head an overwhelming peace and strength came to me. I cant remember exactly what the blessing said but i knew it didn't say that zoey was going to live or die. After the blessing I was calm and felt could feel the love of my savor and the holy ghost so strong. It literally felt as if he were holding me. I heard a still small voice in my mind and in my heart.  I knew that if Heavenly Father needed her to go live with him that he would be there for me so that I could do another casket and he would be there (caring me) so that I  could do another funeral. I'm soo grateful she choose to stay and we got to keep her. She is our sunshine after years and years of storms. I'm grateful for my family jay elyse Jace and zoey and our angel boys. I'm grateful for the savior for sacrificing his life so we could live again. In the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Update on Z Doll!!


Zoey is now 40 weeks and 4 days gestation. She is 6 pounds 8 ounces. This is basically an ounce a day which is pretty good for a preemie. 50% of the bottles Zoey takes very well. The other times it takes her about an hour to drink. Ahhhhh....Needles to say we are extremely tired. However, we are very grateful for this sweet little miracle.

Here is a cute little picture of Zo

Friday, October 4, 2013


Dear Baby Zoey

Mommy is so excited she has been crying all day for the thought of you coming home tomorrow. Tonight we (mommy and daddy) are sleeping in the twilight room in the Newborn ICU with you. Yes mommy is still crying but crying for pure joy. Mommy has been waiting for this day for three years and 63 days (Yes I’ve been counting). I can’t express to you the overwhelming love that I have for you. Mommy is so proud of all the progress you have made.
You were born at 29 weeks and 2 days, weighing in at 2 pounds 15 ounces. You were on a ventilator that was breathing for you and also hooked up to every machine possible keeping you alive (just like Mommy, no fun).
Now you are off all oxygen, all machines and you don’t even have a feeding tube. Yay!!!! You are also 5 pounds 10 ounces and are the biggest baby in here, lol I love it! You have the cutest chubby checks and you are even starting to get rolls. You are mommy’s little doll. Did I mention that I love you so much and every time I  see you I want to just eat you,, oohhh you are soo cute.
Tonight for the first time you get to sleep with mommy and daddy. Yes, it’s at the hospital but still Ill take it. It’s about time to feed you a bottle. Instead of mommy getting in the car and driving a half an hour to get to the hospital to feed you mommy gets to walk over to your crib pick you up and give you a bottle. I know this doesn’t seem like anything but to Mommy tears up just over the simplest things that she took for granted when Ely and Jace were babies, Now Mommy appreciates every little thing. Bye for now see you in a few hours. J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear baby Zoey

Happy 2 month birthday Zoey!! You are 5 pounds 9 1/2 ounces. Today marks 61 days that you (and mommy) have been living in the nicu. However, I just called your nurse and they said you might come home SATURDAY!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh trying not to get my hopes up.....hmmm to late.....ahhhhhhhhhhh. Yay!!!!!!

Love Mommy

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Dear Baby Zoey

You are now eight weeks old and you are five pounds eight ounces. I call you the heavy weight around here because your roommates are  only three
We are very grateful that you have been doing so well. So far you don't have any infection and they are not concerned about your eyes. The only major hurtle, yes major hurtle, you have to overcome is to take all your feedings from a bottle. For the last week you didn't want anything to do with your bottle. Then suddenly on Thursday morning (9-26-13) daddy came to feed you for the first time and you drank a WHOLE bottle. yay yay yay!!!! Then slowly but surly you started picking up the pace and started loving your bottles. If you keep this up you will be able to go home in a couple of weeks. I try not to get my hopes up but could you pretty please come home now:)!!!!

Love Mommy

flip book below

Sunday, September 22, 2013



Dear Baby Zoey

Mommy is so so proud of you. You have reached a lot of milestones!!
First, you are now my heavy weight. You weigh 5 pounds 2 ounces! Yay!
2-this is huge are off your oxygen completely! They didn't just turn it down or off they took your nasal cannula out...hip hip hooray!! The NP said they could put you back on the oxygen but for right now it's out. Now you just have one tube and that's your feeding tube. Mommy loves it because she can see more of your face without all that tape. You are starting to get my chubby checks, which I kiss and kiss and kiss.
3-Every other feeding I get to give you a bottle. It's 45 ml of breast milk and it takes you a good 25-30 minutes to eat it. I have to pace you. This means you take 3-5 sucks then you breath for a couple of seconds and then we repeat. Mommy loves to see you drinking bottles because as soon as you take every feed by bottle you can......Come Home....yay!!! Of course,when mommy heard this she has to run to baby gap and get you some cute little tiny clothes. Mommy can't wait until she can play dress up with you. Sooo exciting!!!
4- Last but not least....the UTES beat BYU 13-20. Yay!!!! And you were the only baby in the nicu waving (holding) and cheering on the your Utes!!! Pretty awesome!!

Love Mommy