January 29, 2013
Last night I cried all night. I miss baby Cord, Kimball, McKay, and our girl. I re-listened to Bowen's conference talk this last October. He talks about how he lost his sixth child and third son by him aspirating on a piece of chalk. I cried all through his talk. People have asked me, "how long did it take you to get over all of your babies"? I had to agree (with Brother Bowen), and say "I never will get over them until we all all once reunited again up in heaven". I pray that they may be here today and guide the doctors hands in implanting Kim with our baby. Im very grateful, nervous and scared!!
Kim on the other hand is a ecstatic, excited, and she can't wait to carry our child again! She is a saint!!
I've never met anyone more excited to become pregnant with her sisters child. Words cant express the gratitude i feel for my her.
The implant happened at 2:30pm at the clinic. They gave Kim a valium before the procedure so that her uterus as well as herself would be relaxed. "Can I get some too Doc? (Lol) My nerves were about shot! We chose the best quality embryo from the 12 that developed after the fertilization and then Dr. Foulk performed the embryo transfer. We decided to transfer one embryo this time around, because of the high risks that multiples have. I made the mistake of asking what the percentages were by transferring one embryo. If you implant two embryos you get an 80% chance that one will take and a 20% chance will you will get twins. So by transferring one embryo we had a 45% chance!! Ahhh, I tried not to panic and think there was a less than half percent of it working. I was freaking our inside.!!
Now comes the hardest part of all- the ten day wait until we find out of Kim is clinically pregnant.
Here's some video the day of the transfer
What an amazing sister!