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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Zoey August 7,8, 2013

Dear Baby Zoey
Good morning tiny one. You are five days old today. If you were still in the womb, you would be 30 weeks gestation.
Mommy rushed up to the hospital so she could do your assessment. However, Amanda, your nurse, said you were very agitated this morning so she did your assessments and then put you back to bed.
You are off the lights, which is great news. You don't have your sunshades on so now I can see your pretty little face.  You keep pulling your oxygen off and we are constantly putting it back on. Little sneaky girl. You are all snuggled up tight and look so cozy, warm and not to mention beautiful!!! I'm pretty sure you look like mommy. Lol :)
Mommy is sitting by your incubator and can't take her eyes off you. I'm just waiting for the doctors to make their rounds so I can ask them all my questions I have about you.
Update Zoey
Weight is 2.8 pounds.
Blood pressure 70\44
Your liver, when u were first born, was enlarged but it is now going down. Tomorrow is the last day of your antibiotics. They don't think you have gbs. Which would be great news. They are starting to ween you off the oxygen so you have to start breathing on your own. Your job or goal today is to start taking independent breaths. Here is the best news.....if you keep progressing well and start breathing on your own, mommy will get to hold you (on Sunday) for a little bit. Ahhhhhhhh when I heard that it made my day!!!! Mommy wants to hold you so bad but I'll wait until you are ready. But still ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is mommy's silent scream and jumping up and down. YAY!!!

Love Mommy

Dear baby Zoey
I just got to the hospital around 10:30am. They have moved you to room 2. There are 9 rooms. When you get to room 9 that means that’s close for you to go home. Which mommy is so excited!!! However, I can wait because I want you to be completely healthy and before you come home.
I consider you moving into room 2 as your first graduation. :) yay!!!
You still have a few infections. One might be gbs. The doctors and nurses (Amanda) are giving you antibiotics to hopefully get rid of those infections.
Your right upper  lung is still collapsed a bit. But you are so strong and working so hard to breath, mommy is so proud of you. Yesterday your FiO2 (I'm guessing that's how well you can breath) was too high. It was 55. They want you more between 20-30. Today your FiO2 is 37, much better then yesterday and I pray you can get it even lower.
Your temperature is 36.9c. I think that is good.
 Monday they will do an ultrasound of your brain to see if their are any brain bleeds. You have a lot of people praying, thinking and fasting for you to get better. You are very blessed to have so many people that care and want to come see you!!:)
You keep pulling at your feeding and oxygen tubes. You don't like them in you and I can't say that I blame you.
You have not pooped today. So if you could poo that would make mommy so happy.
Grandma nay nay is watching Elyse and Jace so that mommy can spend all day with you. I am so grateful for her helping out. She really wants to come see you again too.
Kimmi is amazing. She is going above and beyond the call of duty and pumping milk for you because mommy can't. That is true love right there!!
Daddy calls everyday to see how you are doing. You sure picked the best daddy ever. He loves you more than words can say but just between you and me, mommy loves you more. :)
Elyse and Jace keep asking when they can see you and when you are coming home. They fight over who gets to hold and feed you first. They already adore you.
Well it's time to change you so that means I get to touch you, which is the highlight of my day.

Love Mommy

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