We just had our ultrasound. The tech was not too positive. She said it's too early to tell if it has kidneys and the sex. I thought to myself "self" I said "I've died a horrible painful death and i have lost four babies in the last two years! I didn't use to be a crazy pushy patient but I think I've earned the title"! I asked the tech. Will you please do a vaginal ultrasound to see if we can get a better shot. She grudgingly said fine but I can't promise anything. Our hearts were in our stomachs as she started the internal ultrasound. Well their is his bladder so he at least has one kidney. Kim and I shouted. You can live with one kidney right and then there was another kidney. We screamed like two little school girls!!! We were thrilled and tried to hold back the tears. Then I had to ask. Can you tell the sex. She again was discouraging and said its to early to tell. I said please try. And there it was our beautiful baby GIRL!!
Kim "she is making me very very sick, and she is in trouble". Lol
Sorry kimmi. You can shoot me later. You are so amazing and selfless. I love you more than words can say!
We were not able to see a lot of detail as far as the brain and heart so we are definitely not out of the woods yet, but hearing "there are kidneys" was music to my ears!
Thank you for all of the prayers! Keep them coming!
Thank you for all of the prayers! Keep them coming!
{I'm a GIRL!!}
That is such great news! I pray that all continues to go well!