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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Zoey August 15, 17

Dear Baby Zoey
Happy 2-week birthday!!!
Mommy is so happy because she gets to hold you for a long time today!! You are so tiny. I feel like I'm going to break you so could you please start gaining weight. Thanks:)
You are 2# 12 1/2 ounces
They have increased your feedings to 24.
There has been a virus going around the NICU. The nurses tested all the babies and gratefully you didn't get it.
You had one grade today
They still give you caffeine 2X a day to help with your breathing.
They also give you vitamins and lipids.
They suctioned her nose so hopefully that will help her breath better.
In order for her to go home (which will be a while) she has to maintain her temperature, oxygen, and eat.
She is still on the nasal cannula and a feeding tube that is down her mouth. She keeps pulling her feeding tube out and the nurses keep having to put it back down her throat. When she is off the nasal cannula then they can put the feeding tube down her nose
(Which hopefully means it will be harder for her to pull out.
Today, mommy and daddy get to (have to) take a class with all the NICU parents. This will help us be able to take care of you when you get to come home :)

Love mommy

Dear Baby Zoey
Mommy is so excited to announce that you are off the CPAP and now you are on a regular nasal cannula. This means you are breathing mostly on your own. When you were born were on a ventilator (big tube down your throat breathing for you) mommy had one of these too, and it's not fun having that shoved down your throat all day, but grateful for it because it kept us alive :)
Then they switched you to the CPAP machine, which they have been weaning you off. Now you are on just a regular nasal cannula. I hope that made sense.
Your weight is 2.13! So you are almost up to your birth weight.
They have weaned you off your humidity.  They give you 100% breast milk, caffeine, And 1/2 mil of vitamins. You had no a's or b's (I think that's good). Mommy is still trying to learn all the medical terms and what they mean. Hopefully in two more months I should be a pro.

Kimmi, Ciaran and Cabhan came and saw you today. They could not get enough of you and took lots of pics and video. I call them your older big brothers. You are their first sister and they adore you!! Grandpa also came and saw you. He wanted to give you a good pat but mommy said "no way"!
Mommy hopes and prays you continue to grow and develop normally and don't have any defects or complications. So far you are a fighter and living up to your name which means LIFE;)

Love mommy

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